The project is funded by EU through Operative Programme “Human Resources Development”
Partners on the project are Association of South Western Municipalities and Social Enterprise Coalition, UK
Establishing a network of social enterprises for implementing innovative marketing strategies

Closing conference

On 29th of January, 2015, in the conference hall of hotel “Ezerets”, Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad Municipality, Bulgaria, was held the closing conference on the project “Establishing a network of social enterprises to implement innovative marketing strategies" implemented by Association of South Western Municipalities in partnership with Social Enterprise Coalition, United Kingdom, with the financial support of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development", co-funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

To participate in the meeting were invited representatives of all target groups - Local authorities in the districts of Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil - municipalities Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bobov dol, Boboshevo, Gotse Delchev, Garmen, Dupnitsa, Kocherinovo, Kresna, Kyustendil, Nevestino, Petrich, Razlog , Rila, Sandanski, Sapareva banya, Satovcha, Simitli, Strumyani, Treklyano, Hadzhidimovo and Yakoruda; Regional authorities - Regional authorities with administrative centers Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil and territorial structures of ASH in both areas; Social enterprises in both areas. 

Active participation took fifty representatives of the target groups and the team of the Association of South Western Municipalities. The conference program included a presentation of the results of the project, project partners, presentation of an Internet platform for social entrepreneurship and free discussion to generate ideas for future joint projects between members of the Network for Social Entrepreneurship.

The results of the project were presented by its manager – Lyubitsa Tomova. The internet platform for social entrepreneurship was presented by Radostin Valeov – member of the team that developed the platform.

The representatives of the target groups were awarded certificates for participation in the project and realization of the project activities.

During the conference the participants were provided work packages, including folder, pad, pen and print presentations, brochure, a collection of best practices in paper and electronic form and sticker.

All submitted materials meet the requirements for visualization of the OP "Human Resources Development". In the conference room where the meeting was held were located two information banner project.

Study visit for the members of the Network for social entrepreneurship in Southwest Bulgaria

News 3

In the period 21-24th of September, 2014, the Association of South Western Municipalities conducted a study visit on the project “Establishing a network of social enterprises to implement innovative marketing strategies" implemented by Association of South Western Municipalities in partnership with Social Enterprise Coalition, United Kingdom, with the financial support of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development", co-funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

Participation in the study trip took twenty-five representatives of the target groups and two representatives of the project team.

The program of the study tour included the following main panels: Introduction to social entrepreneurship in the UK - history, current status, challenges, achievements, opportunities; key features of social enterprises; Presentation of social enterprise - Oxford House, Bikeworks, Building Lives Training Academy; Partner and corporate support for social enterprises; Outlining the situation to support social enterprises - government / public sector; private sector; third sector. How is it different from other support for small and medium businesses; Presentation of the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) and Center "Kings Cross"; Plan follow-up activities of the network.

Training in Social Entrepreneurship

On 22 and 23 of January, 2015, in the conference hall of hotel “Bansko SPA and Holidays”, Bankso, Bansko Municipality, Bulgaria, was conducted a training for the members of the Network for social entrepreneurship in Southwest Bulgaria on the project “Establishing a network of social enterprises to implement innovative marketing strategies" implemented by Association of South Western Municipalities in partnership with Social Enterprise Coalition, United Kingdom, with the financial support of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development", co-funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

To participate in the meeting were invited representatives of all target groups - Local authorities in the districts of Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil - municipalities Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bobov dol, Boboshevo, Gotse Delchev, Garmen, Dupnitsa, Kocherinovo, Kresna, Kyustendil, Nevestino, Petrich, Razlog , Rila, Sandanski, Sapareva banya, Satovcha, Simitli, Strumyani, Treklyano, Hadzhidimovo and Yakoruda; Regional authorities - Regional authorities with administrative centers Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil and territorial structures of ASH in both areas; Social enterprises in both areas.

Active participation in the training took fifty representatives of the described target groups. The program of the training included the following modules: Social enterprise – key characteristics, types, possible activities and services; Overview of European practices in the development of social entrepreneurship; Social enterprises in the UK and their impact on society; Business plan to create a social enterprise; Innovative marketing strategies and how to introduce social enterprise market; Institutional support for social enterprises in Bulgaria; exercises and discussions.

The separate training modules were presented by Lyubitsa Tomova – Project Manager; Nadezhda Kukova – coordinator; Charlotte De Ruyver – representative of Social Enterprise Coalition.

Representatives of the target groups participated in exercises and group work to develop a business plan for the creation of social enterprises, asset valuation, pricing, SWOT analysis, competitive environment.

During the training, participants were provided work packages, including folder, pad, pen and print presentations, a best practices corpus on electronic carrier and paper.

All submitted materials meet the requirements for visualization of the OP "Human Resources Development". In the conference room where the meeting was held were located two information banner project.



First workshop to establish a network for social entrepreneurship in Southwest Bulgaria


On 30th of April, 2014 in the conference hall of hotel “Ezerets”, Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad Municipality, Bulgaria, was held the first workshop on the project "Establishing a network of social enterprises to implement innovative marketing strategies" implemented by Association of South Western Municipalities in partnership with Social Enterprise Coalition, United Kingdom, financed by the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development".

To participate in the meeting were invited representatives of all target groups - Local authorities in the districts of Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil - municipalities Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bobov dol, Boboshevo, Gotse Delchev, Garmen, Dupnitsa, Kocherinovo, Kresna, Kyustendil, Nevestino, Petrich, Razlog , Rila, Sandanski, Sapareva banya, Satovcha, Simitli, Strumyani, Treklyano, Hadzhidimovo and Yakoruda; Regional authorities - Regional authorities with administrative centers Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil and territorial structures of ASH in both areas; Social enterprises in both areas.

Active participation in the meeting took fifty representatives of the described groups. The program of the workshop included a presentation of the project, project partners, presentation of potential actors in the social entrepreneurship and discussion of the work program of the network and indicative dates for future activities.

The project was presented by its manager - Lyubitsa Tomova, which familiarize the participants with the detailed objectives, planned activities and expected results. She presented the leading organization - Association of South Western Municipalities and partner organization – Social Enterprise Coalition, UK.

Representatives of the target groups presented their organizations and their relationship to create a network for social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. This was actually the first feedback from the target groups to ASWM. All participants expressed a positive attitude towards the project and expressed willingness to participate in subsequent project activities.

During the workshop participants were provided work packages, including folder, pad, pen and prints of three presentations covering the main points of the work program of the meeting.

All submitted materials meet the requirements for visualization of the OP "Human Resources Development". In the conference hall where the meeting was held were located two information banners of the project.

The meeting was covered by local and regional media.

As a result of the workshop, representatives of the target groups were introduced to the project and the organizations that implement it; all members of the target groups presented their organizations, focusing on their attitude towards social entrepreneurship; all members of the target groups stated a clear desire to be in a network for social entrepreneurship and to participate in the implementation of project activities; to discuss the work program of the Network and the indicative dates for future meetings.

Study visit for the members of the Network for social entrepreneurship in Southwest Bulgaria

In the period 21-24th of September, 2014, the Association of South Western Municipalities conducted a study visit on the project “Establishing a network of social enterprises to implement innovative marketing strategies" implemented by Association of South Western Municipalities in partnership with Social Enterprise Coalition, United Kingdom, with the financial support of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development", co-funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

Participation in the study trip took twenty-five representatives of the target groups and two representatives of the project team.

The program of the study tour included the following main panels: Introduction to social entrepreneurship in the UK - history, current status, challenges, achievements, opportunities; key features of social enterprises; Presentation of social enterprise - Oxford House, Bikeworks, Building Lives Training Academy; Partner and corporate support for social enterprises; Outlining the situation to support social enterprises - government / public sector; private sector; third sector. How is it different from other support for small and medium businesses; Presentation of the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) and Center "Kings Cross"; Plan follow-up activities of the network.

Members online

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About the project

This website is developed with the financial support of the European Social Fund. The Association of South Western Municipalities is solely responsible for the contents of this document, and under no circumstances it cannot be considered as an official position of the European Union or the Ministry of Labor and Social Politics of Republic of Bulgaria.

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 T. Alexandrov str. 23 fl. 3 office 32  Blagoevgrad, 2700, Bulgaria